...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fungus Among Us

I was reading Carl Zimmer's blog,The Loom, http://www.scienceblogs.com/loom/ yesterday. Carl is a scientist (biology) and an author, his blogs are fun because they at times are like reading about alien life forms. What I read yesterday has stuck with me. It was a piece on how certain funguses can change the behavior of creatures that they infect. The name of this fungus is both unpronounceable and unspellable by me, so I will call it the ant fungus. This ant fungus forces the ant that it infects to climb as high as it can climb and to grip the stem that it is on with its mandibles so that the ant will not fall off. Then the fungus grows a spike out through the top of the ants head (ant dies). The spike takes up to 3 weeks to grow and mature. Upon maturation the spike explodes, shedding spores down on all ants that may be below it, starting the cycle over. This fungus can wipe out whole colonies of ants.

The thing that is of interest to me is that the fungus changes or I guess you could said redirects its hosts mind set to follow the funguses survival program. If this sort of thing can happen at the ant level (not only ants, but several insect species have their 'fungus amongst us' cross to bear) why could it not happen at the human level.

Are there humans infected with some fungus (minus the spike growing out the head) that causes a behavior conducive to that funguses survival. This would be an interesting investigation. What abnormal behaviors could be studied? What 'mental illnesses' could be caused by a fungal infection. Schizophrenia can happen to a person suddenly. Could a fungus be the trigger that we are looking for in the case of schizophrenia or maybe some borderline acceptable social behaviors.

Scary thought when you think about all the psycho babble and political rhetoric out there demanding that we take responsibility for our actions. What if many of us are hosting a fungus and following the primitive programming set down by that fungus?

Could be that the 'Pod People' are real.

Who do you trust?

Friday, November 10, 2006


schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.

This is a good definition of what I am feeling for the Republican party
right now.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Found: Thoughts from Sept 11, 2001

Found this in some notes that I had taken during the 9/11 time frame:

bombing 9/11/01
thought: no one will come forward and take credit for this atrocity. The
US will not be able to focus on who. Its assets will be divided
therefore diluted. Purposely done for that reason.
thought: not a conventinal war. could be upwards of 100,000 (actual est
number around 5000) people killed.
thought: not a tragedy - is an atrocity.
am tired of all the flag waving & self pity/ congratulatory bullshit.
Does not accomplish anything. The talking heads don't add any
information. Don't help with the understanding of this situation.
Thought: Bush - unilateral initiatives- Star Wars and such are now under
suspect. We can't exist in this world without our policies effecting
others. The coalition that he needs now to act in this international
environment will or should be an excellent template for future actions
taken by this admin and future admins. We do not live in a vacuum. Our
actions are not without impact. I did not think this way before the
Bombing. Changing.
Thought: Is retaliation what was wanted by the bombers? Are we now
dancing to their tune? I think Yes. We are reacting not acting. What
could we do that would be better for us and the World than a war of
revenge? Don't have an answer. But what is the zig that would nullify
their zag?
The paper today had a list of songs that a radio owner (1000 stations)
thought should not be played. At first I was mad as hell. Then it became
humorous. The Political Correctness that pervades this Society is not
dead. That anyone should be expected to go through life and not offend
another is an absurity. Life is a string of offences, given and taken,
that shape us.
Right now I hate...terrorist...more specifically suicidal fanatics. This
begs other questions. Are dead war heros suicidal fanatics. Depends I
guess on point of view. All things are relative? iiiick, not liking
that. Want only my POV to be correct.
Thought: not original, just something that came to mind. Seems like
Bertran Russell said that there can only be one truth. What came to mind
was that there can be an infinite number of POV's, but only one truth.
Not an astounding revelation I know, but for me, eh.
12/8/01 2:12 pm
todays news is that Taliban has surrendered after 62 days of fighting.
Now seems to be a dangerous time. Are the bad guys going to get away?
Non of the leaders have been captured.

Terror Alert...what took so long?


Have been waiting for this...my thinking is that the election cycle would
not be complete without it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Contrary Brin: My Speech at Google - Part Two

Contrary Brin: My Speech at Google - Part Two

Worth the time. Part One is also good.

From Olbermanns newsletter: Stay the Course still active

In a radio interview today with Sean Hannity, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld confirmed that the Bush administration isn't planning to shift its
strategy. Rumsfeld called media reports about Bush's reversal "nonsense,"
and said "of course" Bush is "not backing away from staying the course."

Monday, July 10, 2006

Illness...age related?

Is there such a thing as Middle Aged Crisis? I am close to 53 years old and cannot answer that. Certainly not sure that answering the question is what I want. Time is supposed to be the thief. I am beginning to think that indecision is the thief.
Being the master of indecision...I have stolen most of my own life from myself.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Drinkin' black coffee from a paper cup...and smokin' 40 cigarettes...

Have been listening to John Lee Hooker, hence the title. Lyrics from 'Along the waterfront'.

In my case the coffee cup holds bourbon and I don't smoke. Maybe a cigar on occasion, but those are few and far between. The bourbon is a daily tonic. Used or abused as the situation warrants.

Reading alot lately. Currently reading Collapse by Jared Diamond. He wrote Guns, Germs and Steel and having read that a while back, I was inclined to try this. Have not been disappointed. Mr. Diamond is an excellent writer and works very hard to make you understand what the implications are for the information that he is passing on to you.

Finished, Secret Origins of the Bible by Tim Callahan. An excellent guide to the mythology that surrounds and is included in the Bible. I do not regret the time spent reading this. If only because it gave me that one bit of cocktail chatter info that is just delicious to lay out there when some holier than thou gets to going on about end times and Revelations...666 is the number of Nero Caesar, "the number of a man." The beast has come and gone. For a more complete explanation I suggest you read the book.

Daniel Dennett wrote Darwins Dangerous Idea, I am working through that also. This is an off and on thing. It is a very complete explanation of Darwin and evolution. I am 7/8 done with it. More of a background info thing than anything else.

Am in the middle of Theocracy in America, authors name slips my mind, though I am not reading this one. It is an audio book. I have become addicted to these books that you can listen to while driving to work and home. My commute is a measely 15 to 20 minutes but it all adds up and I am not forced to listen to radio music or repetitious CD mixes. Have felt an undeniable urge, of late, to learn. I guess that is why the titles are what they are.

Don't get me wrong I read a fiction book just a while back. My daughter passed it along to me, but for the life of me, I can not remember the title. I do remember that it was a pleasant break from my regular list.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Geniuses need only to push the button....

BPS Research Digest: Rare counting ability induced by temporarily switching off brain region

Ok...I really want one of these...just wondering if this phenom would also transfer to other math disciplines...could one be wet wired to have the effect induced at demand...an interesting thought...the future holds some promise for those of us with pedestrian intelligence...to be a savant even temporarily would be like a drug...euphoria and addiction.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/6...End Timer President or Satan in disguise?

Today is 6/6/6 a number that has much significance to a majority of radical right religious extremists. The base of the Republican majority in Congress. This extreme religious base is focused on the end of times as is revealed in the book of Revelations. End Timers are setting our political goals. End Timers do not care if 'W' is spending the nation into bankruptcy. End Timers do not care if our rights are being trampled. End Timers do not feel that education is necessary for our children. End Timers are focused on events in the Middle East and feel that a prophecy is coming true.
The scary thing is that our President is acting like an End Timer too. Much of what he has done in the past 5 + years begins to make sense when viewed through the End Times lens. Spending too much? No worries...we will never have to pay it back because of the apocalypse. Trampling rights? Hey...he is moving us towards a thousand year peace. Educating our children in real science? Jesus shall provide. War and rumors of wars? He has these down pat.
But perhaps Bush is not really an End Timer at all.
Perhaps George W. Bush is really Satan in disguise, twisting the good book to bring about the fall of man?
Well you can decide. I am just a deist who believes in a God of benign neglect.
FYI: The number 666 references Nero of fiddling fame. So the beast has already come and gone.
The only thing that can really hurt mankind is to have a deranged religious extremist in a position of power that heeds the voices, in answer to his prayers, to fulfill the prophecy.

Friday, June 02, 2006

A Seattle Pixie: Can crazy be a day job?

A Seattle Pixie:

This one is intriguing...she has seen a 'crazy' outside of his rant zone...it does beg the question of whether some of the best street beggar/ranters are just performance artists making a living like the rest of us...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cato flogged

Contrary Brin: Good News... Bad News...

Brin is, as always, cutting away the fat. His modernist views deserve more exposure. Part way through this article Brin takes on the Cato Institute but could just as easily be slicing and dicing on left leaning orgs.

Well worth a visit and your time.

Abercrombie View

Abercrombie View

John is surprised that he is being "maliciously characterized as a right wing religious fanatic" by fellow Republicans.

His blogs contain some of the most dogmatic and literal interpretations of the bible found anywhere this side of Dobson. Though I honestly think that John believes what he is writing, unlike Dobson and his ilk who are in it strictly for the political power.

He defends Bushes policies blindly. If Bush and Co. say it is right to break the law then John will defend W's right to do it. John is a good soldier and W is his leader.

Whether you agree with him or not, John is a good read. Pure middle America stuck here in Yakima. Truth be damned, John stands up for his convictions.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006



Illusions are what art is about...this seems to carry it to the max...WOW!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Scullys' Gully

Scullys' Gully is west of Yakima approximately 15 mile. I would not say that it is nestled anywhere, nor amongst anything. It is what it is, a cliff, a couple of ponds and a small terraced lawn. A gully that has become the place to gather on Memorial Day weekend. I have only been there once and that was last Friday evening, the evening before the event.


Yes, it is an event. Bruce Scully puts this on as a customer appreciation wingding, once a year. Or that was the original intent. As far as I have been able to discern, it is now an event, a spring ritual (the spring ritual motif intrigues me and I hope to delve into that aspect later). I do not know how long it has been going on, several years is my guess. At least I have been hearing about it for several years now. Doug Granstrand is a long time Scullys' Gully denizen and has kept me posted on the goings on of the event. This year Doug asked if I would like to go out to the gully Friday night so that I would know how to get there on Saturday. I said yes. He had already taken me on a flyby using Google Earth but there is nothing like a little analog time to fully seat the virtual in the mind.

Friday @ 5:30 we were to meet at Doug's. Worked for me, I had taken Friday off. By 5:30 I had visited with my mom and sister, been up to the folks' cabin with them (hauled a swing porch seat in back of my pickup), had stopped at the WSLCB to buy some liquor. Just bought a few airline bottles and matched them with a couple of bottles of 20oz cokes, got home and kissed Chrissy goodbye. Showed up at Granstrands around 5:30. Doug brought 6 beers in a cooler and a tent that had never been opened/or used (luckily it had directions on how to setup) and a sundry of man tools (well, a two pound sledge and some spikes). We set off, Doug giving the "turn left here" and "turn right there" type instructions.

We talked...the thing you have to know about Doug is that he is an idea generator..somewhat akin to an electrical generator...always on...always with the capability to shock...right now his ideas are orbiting photography as he just purchased a Nikon D50 (had it with him)..we discussed settings...lighting (magic hour, dusk and dawn)...lenses...photographers...nothing shocking...and suddenly, "turn right here" and we are on a gravel road. Uphill, around corners, a couple of lefts but mostly right turns at decision points...we finally start down and bear left to where it flattens out into an area to park and we park beside a pond...behind a Ford f-350...in front of us on the other side of the pond is a stage...a covered stage with large speakers and amps...the music playing was a CD of the Beatles...a crispness in the sound...a timelessness of the music cast a spell over me...maybe not a timelessness in the music as much as a connection with other times...each song seemed to place me randomly at points in my life...before the Now...magic. The stage is at the NW edge of the pond...behind the stage is a basalt cliff approximately 15' to 20' high...hanging, to the right of the stage, off the cliff is a lit up neon sign which reads "The GULLY"...incongruous to say the least... to the right of the sign is a waterfall...not the rushing...focused... roaring...boiling type...more of 10' wide wet spot that makes the gentle sound of falling water...a very domesticated water sound...South and west of the stage is small terraced lawn that overlooks the stage. It was on this terrace that Doug and I erected his tent...not before drinks were broken out mind you. At the foot of the terraces was a BBQ...this was a Tim the Tool Man type BBQ...and it was BBQing half dozen half-chickens...in turbo time I am sure.

At this point things and time begin to blur...my last meal was a turkey sandwich up at the cabin around 1:30...I remember helping to set up the tent...and all the chaos that is affixed to first time endeavors...fixing another whiskey and coke...Doug had his camera out and was taking pictures...I remember walking across the bridge at the SE end of the pond...a sign warned to watch for snakes...I did... the trail lead up a rise to the top of the cliffs over looking the pond and terraces...more people were arriving. On top the vegetation is low growing...this is a steppes type environment... 6" to a foot is the average...the wind can be frightful...the tallest plants up there are sagebrush that might break 4 foot in height. Out about 20 yards North of the trail is a green..a golf green...with a flag...which had blown over in the wind..to the West were concrete stanchions that had pads next to them for hitting from...about 3 of them I think...at about 25 yard intervals...interesting. I follow a trail/road and it loops West and South back down to the Gully. Kevin McCormick and his son Sean arrive and we all greet...Doug, Kevin and I work at the sack factory...between the three of us we have over 60 year in...Sean wastes no time in mixing with the growing group of younglings that are rushing around at youngling speeds and with youngling yells...Doug brings out some cigars...not just any cigars...Doug likes his cigars and regularly buys Acids by the case...he shares with Kevin and I...by this time I have finished my second drink and am into Doug's beer...the cigar preparation ritual is followed and we light up...I am now buzzing from the drinks and working on a cigar hangover...I remember playing horseshoes...throwing...stumbling...drinking...smoking...and winning 2 games losing 1...lost the last to Kevin and Joe...smoked more cigars...stood beside a fire...more people had arrived...drank more beer...I have by now, with the help of drink, bludgeoned what little wit I have into submission, so my conversation skills are crashing with regularity...a systems crash was becoming a possibility...leaving while I still had motor control was an idea whose time had come...Doug agreed to the idea and timing...we left...comfortably numb.

I never got to the actual Scullys' Gully event on Saturday. Chrissy and I were cabin hopping between her sisters cabin up by Bumping and my Folks cabin on the Rattlesnake. Our day got away from us and by the time we got back to Yakima it was past 7:00 pm...the clincher was that it was flat pouring rain and neither of us wanted to brave the wet and the cold. We went home without a whimper and fell to sleep early.

Spring rituals, there is something about them...bear with me here because I do not know what I really want to say and will probably stumble around a bit...why does a modern society celebrate them...Easter, Memorial Day...I mean I see in Scullys' Gully a repetition of ancient rites...possibly a correlation on how it starts and how it continues...the area chosen has a certain earth magic attached to it...it is sheltered and renewal is visible all around...the priest (Scully) has a vision for what he wants his celebration to stand for and works hard to make that happen...I don't know...but this has the feel of something that needs to happen...in the human sense...so that we can know there is a regular cycle to life...we can recharge our spiritual batteries before going back to our sack factories and once again facing the drudgery of everyday work.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Incitatus Review

Incitatus Review

An insightful review of movies, both european and american. Well written.

Take a look...I am now hoping to find Deja mort...hopefully can find one with captions...love to listen to french...anyway, worth a couple of minutes of your time if cinema is a passion...even if cinema is not a passion.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Big Mikes Cigar Girls

Big Mikes Cigar Girls

Is worth a visit, I found it randomly clicking the Next Blog button. I will be assuming that men will enjoy this more than women. Though phallic is phallic no matter what gender you yearn for.

theocratic schools...the world needs more of them...

A snippet of a Washington Post article...we are fighting the wrong war in the wrong country....

I hope that the url is correct, I hacked some stuff off of the end of it.

"The passages below -- drawn from the same set of Saudi texts proudly cited in the new 74-page review of curriculum reform now being distributed by the Saudi Embassy -- are shaping the views of the next generation of Saudis and Muslims worldwide. Unchanged, they will only harden and deepen hatred, intolerance and violence toward other faiths and cultures. Is this what Riyadh calls reform?"

" Every religion other than Islam is false."
"Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (Islam, hellfire): Every religion other than ______________ is false. Whoever dies outside of Islam enters ____________."

"True belief means . . . that you hate the polytheists and infidels but do not treat them unjustly."

"Whoever obeys the Prophet and accepts the oneness of God cannot maintain a loyal friendship with those who oppose God and His Prophet, even if they are his closest relatives."
"It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in God and His Prophet, or someone who fights the religion of Islam."
"A Muslim, even if he lives far away, is your brother in religion. Someone who opposes God, even if he is your brother by family tie, is your enemy in religion."

"Just as Muslims were successful in the past when they came together in a sincere endeavor to evict the Christian crusaders from Palestine, so will the Arabs and Muslims emerge victorious, God willing, against the Jews and their allies if they stand together and fight a true jihad for God, for this is within God's power."

"As cited in Ibn Abbas: The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus."
"God told His Prophet, Muhammad, about the Jews, who learned from parts of God's book [the Torah and the Gospels] that God alone is worthy of worship. Despite this, they espouse falsehood through idol-worship, soothsaying, and sorcery. In doing so, they obey the devil. They prefer the people of falsehood to the people of the truth out of envy and hostility. This earns them condemnation and is a warning to us not to do as they did."
"They are the Jews, whom God has cursed and with whom He is so angry that He will never again be satisfied [with them]."

"Some of the people of the Sabbath were punished by being turned into apes and swine. Some of them were made to worship the devil, and not God, through consecration, sacrifice, prayer, appeals for help, and other types of worship. Some of the Jews worship the devil. Likewise, some members of this nation worship the devil, and not God."
"Activity: The student writes a composition on the danger of imitating the infidels."

"The clash between this [Muslim] community (umma) and the Jews and Christians has endured, and it will continue as long as God wills."
"It is part of God's wisdom that the struggle between the Muslim and the Jews should continue until the hour [of judgment]."
"Muslims will triumph because they are right. He who is right is always victorious, even if most people are against him."

The 10th-grade text on jurisprudence teaches that life for non-Muslims (as well as women, and, by implication, slaves) is worth a fraction of that of a "free Muslim male." Blood money is retribution paid to the victim or the victim's heirs for murder or injury:
"Blood money for a free infidel. [Its quantity] is half of the blood money for a male Muslim, whether or not he is 'of the book' or not 'of the book' (such as a pagan, Zoroastrian, etc.).
"Blood money for a woman: Half of the blood money for a man, in accordance with his religion. The blood money for a Muslim woman is half of the blood money for a male Muslim, and the blood money for an infidel woman is half of the blood money for a male infidel."

"The greeting 'Peace be upon you' is specifically for believers. It cannot be said to others."
"If one comes to a place where there is a mixture of Muslims and infidels, one should offer a greeting intended for the Muslims."
"Do not yield to them [Christians and Jews] on a narrow road out of honor and respect."

"Jihad in the path of God -- which consists of battling against unbelief, oppression, injustice, and those who perpetrate it -- is the summit of Islam. This religion arose through jihad and through jihad was its banner raised high. It is one of the noblest acts, which brings one closer to God, and one of the most magnificent acts of obedience to God."

Wet weekend in Yakima...

Emerging from a weekend of around the house DIY's. It rained off and on all weekend. Planted 13 arborvitaes along the back fence ( a future privacy thing) between the wet times on Saturday. Hung mirrors and worked on sundry projects on Sunday. All in all a very suburban weekend.

Did look to the computer a couple of times and as usual I had to get my fix of Talking Points Memo. Politics is like a car wreck to me...a disgusting sight that is hard to look away from...I suppose the carnage to morality and ethics is what keeps my attention.

I would like to point to a site that has also captured my attention. It is Contrary Brin (Brin and Talking Points are links that are at the sidebar of this blog), a modernist view of the coming collapse (and some prescriptive cures) of our once proud and vibrant political system.

David Wilson

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Da Vinci Code Decoded

To decode: remember that this is fiction...and fiction is not fact...and the 'facts' in this are bent to make the story move along...the controversy is more than likely being manufactured to sell this and complimentary products ie books, videos and upcoming movie.

Sometimes we need to step back and take a deep breath...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Religion a viral meme?

What if the 3 major religions today are nothing more than viral memes...corrupted instructions...each one acting only as an agent to replicate itself in the human psyche...once taking hold it seeks to replicate...preachings, sacred books, temples, wars...whatever it takes for the continuation of the viral memes existance.

The fact that the Majors (Christianity, Judaism, Muslim) are all written as sacred text is a large factor in how viral they are. The written word from God is not to be trifled with except by the Priest cast. The Priest cast is the final arbiter on the written word. The Priest cast will and does pick and chose text to support whatever theological theme that pops up. Inconsistancies, omissions and out of context quotes are overlooked in order to make theological and political points.

Religion a viral meme?

...the religion as a viral meme came to me last nite...nothing was fleshed out...it just made an impression and moved on...but I could not get the idea out of my mind...much of what I have been reading of late has been on evolutionary mode.
Richard Dawkins, Selfish Gene
Daniel Dennett, Darwins Dangerous Idea
Just finishing Dennett...Dawkins' Selfish Gene was a pleasure to read and Dawkins uses the meme theme in explaining some of his ideas. I am sure that he referenced religion as a meme. What struck me was the viral part...what if religion is a destructive virus? A meme that has become bred into the human race. The many varieties religion, even among one of the same theme, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhist the list could almost be endless. But that is my point...the many varieties of religion is very close to the drug factor today...not all drugs have the same effect on all the people the same.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Blaming the caffeine overload...my mind is speeding...my nails are to the quick...knawwing at the back of my fevered melon...is the fear that my middle is too thick...exercise is a chimera...kinda hit or myth...a cyclic turn of logic...served with a chaotic twist.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? William O. Douglas

The gentleman who asked Bush some pointed questions the other day was raked over the coals for lack of respect. I believe the quote above is an appropriate response.

Monday, April 03, 2006

On my list of things to do....

Actually there is much on my mind. I am just not able to collate it all into a reasonable order to discuss. The following are what I find interesting and topical, just feel too uninformed to comment too deeply on any.
  1. Immigration: the issue is not the black and white the the party's have staked out. I do not think we can fix the problem on this side of the border without major changes being made at the political and cultural level to the south of us. If we put in walls or make new laws it will be akin to pissing in the wind because the root causes of the emigration/immigration will not have been solved. Poverty south of the border is what drives the flow of people that cross the border. Corruption at all levels of government on both sides of the border. Implied blindness to illegal border crossings that feed an appetite for cheap or cheaper labor.
  2. The ethical lapses of the Congress: though this is not party specific, it does at this time seem that the Republican party is lost when ethics are mentioned. We have Tom DeLay, Jack Abramhof, Duke Cunningham, and all the people that have been touched by their tentacles. Each of the above could legitimately fill several posts chronicling their exploits.
  3. Doc Hastings: Head of the House Ethics Committee. Has done a wonderful job of doing nothing. I am not sure that Doc has any idea what ethics are?
  4. Iraq: Lately two retired Generals have spoken out on the war. Both seem to have come to the same conclusion, fire Rummy. I salute them. We are in this untenable situation in Iraq mainly because of Rumsfeld tinkering with our military. We need someone who will listen to the military and then let it do its job.
  5. Torture: This is a top down issue. The soldiers being courtmartialed for misconduct would not have been even close to breaking torture rules, if it had not been lawyered so much by this administration to rationalize the breaking of the Geneva Conventions. Bush, Gonzales, Rumsfeld are who should be on the spot here. They put the guards in untenable positions of gathering intel with dubious and incomplete instructions.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Chucks last name...?

After work I stopped at McG's for a couple of drinks. One of the women in the bar signaled for me to come over. I did.
She said, "Your beautiful wifes picture is over there and she is talking to Prince Charles. What I would like to know is, what is Prince Charles last name?"

I did not have an answer...I do not know...I will have to google that.

Update: the answer is Windsor

Monday, February 06, 2006

Islam and Violence...Is Now Islam = Violence...But Why?

I have been following the furor over the cartoons published in Europe depicting Allah in various reposes and attire.

Maybe someone of the Islamic faith can clue me in, because this make no sense. This has got to be the worst PR that any religion has gotten since the Inquisition.

Copy of Nigerian Email Scam

I was going through my alternate email account and came across this email from a Mr. Jeffery Ekwome. "Ekwome" is probably Nigerian for "stupid f***ing American".

Here goes:

Next Of Kin To Late Michael Wilson
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 15:22:44 +0000
I am Mr. Jeffrey Ekwome, an Accountant Manager with
the personal Account Manager to Engr. Michael Wilson, a
Citizen of your country and a Contractor with Texaco
Petroleum Company in my country.
On the 19th of April 2002, Engr. Michael Wilson, his
wife and their three children were involved in a car
accident Along Lagos/Ibadan Express Road.
Unfortunately they all lost their lives in the event
of the accident, since then I have made several
enquiries to your Embassy to locate any of His
extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
After these several Unsuccessful attempts, I decided
to trace his relatives over the Internet, to locate
any member of His family but of no avail, hence I
contacted you. I got your contact from a Web directory
I got from your embassy.
I contacted you to assist in repatriating the money in
addition to the property left behind by the late Engr.
Michael before they get confiscated or declared
unserviceable by the bank where these huge deposits
were lodged. Particularly, INTERCONTINENTAL BANK PLC,
where the deceased had an account valued at about
US$11 Million Dollars.
Consequently, the bank issued me a notice to provide
the Next Of Kin or have the account confiscated within
the next twenty official working days. Since I have
been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 3
years now I seek your consent to present you as the
next of kin of the deceased since you are from the
same country and you share the same last name so that
the proceeds of this account valued at US$11 million
dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can
share the money. 50% to me and 40% to you, while 10%
should be for expenses or tax as your government may
An attorney will be contracted to help revalidated and
notarize all the necessary legal documents that can be
used to back up any claim we may make. All I require
is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal
through. I guarantee that this will be executed under
a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from
any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me by
my email to Enable us discuss further and also send
your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication.
Send your reply to my private email address:
Best regards,
Mr. Jeffrey Ekwome.
annunci sono online su Kataweb all'indirizzo http://www.offroecerco.it

I had heard of the scam, but never seen one. This blog is for you Jeffery. May all your childern be born to suffer hell on earth...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Side Lights

I do not know who won or will win the Super Bowl at this time. When I left McGuires, the Hawks were behind 10 to 21. The 4th quarter had just started when I decided to leave. The leaving was/is predicated on the personal idea that I hold, which is that I am bad karma for the team that I want to win. If I am watching a game it seems that 9 out of 10 times the team that I am for, looses. It is only a personal thing...my little quirk when it comes to sports.

Do not want something too bad or just the opposite will happen. I guess is how you would state it.

I am not sure that I have fooled any of the Gods that may be involved in the outcome of the Super Bowl, but I do know that my best path is a feigned neglect.

McGuires had about 25 to 30 people there for the Super Bowl...Jeanne said that if you wanted you could bring something to eat...potluck type thing. It was fun and cozy...as McG's is not big...the size of 3 holes in the wall strung together...with dark wood paneling, stained by time and smoke...I brought pico de gallo...there was chili...navy beans...meatballs...desserts...chips...enough food to make this a Supper Bowl...I am full...it was snack snack snack.

The first half portended much...the breaks were not going Seattles way...touchdowns and passes called back...a different game if those calls had not been made. So much in sports is how the breaks...break...at the level of the Super Bowl you have to consider the teams equal...the fact that they made that far is a testament to what they have accomplished.

Actually the first half was interesting because one of the women, I shall call her, Dammit Janet!...was into the cheerleader mode. Now, she nominated and voted herself to this part, and it was a part that she played very well.

Dammit Janet! was intent on increasing the energy level of the room. I think the breaks that Seattle did not get were some what of a weight on the rooms rah rah-ness and Dammit Janet! was not going to let the Seahawks know that we were down. Even though we are in a small bar in Yakima Washington, she has it in her mind that somehow the energy needed for the Hawks to win was right there in that room. She conjoled, shamed and strongarmed many of the males...they started to actually make some noise...not a lot...but some.

Half time and the Stones...the strangest thought came to me while watching them...Frank Sinatra...yup...Frank...I just remember seeing him in something that was a final tour...voice not what it one time was...grayer...more lines on the face...the Stones have become the Frank Sinatra of this Boomer generation...New York New York is now Satisfaction...

Anyway as I was saying...I left early in hopes of confusing the Gods...and maybe to atone for my lack of energy during the first half...I have just checked ESPN and found that my ploy failed...Steelers won...I guess that's the breaks.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Old movie deja vu

In the process of driving from work to home, and sometimes from lunch to work at the intersection of 3rd and Nob Hill there are standing on one or more corners, people with large arrows. A commercial arrow because it has "Cash Advance" on it. The arrows are pointing north because that is where a Cash Advance place is located. In the mallish area on the NW corner you can borrow to make it through the week/month. I have been seeing them on this corner, most every day, at least since this summer.
The same thought comes to me everytime that I see these living commercials..."It's a Wonderful Life". That is what I think of...when George is shown what would have happened to his town of New Bedford(?) if he had never been born. The crassness of the commercialism. The shabbiness of closed buildings. The hopelessness of the people stand in the cold or heat holding arrows pointing someone in need the way, to a false salvation.

Is the hopelessness just in me? Have we become the cynical New Bedford? Is it the location...Yakima? Or is it something larger? Are we as a country becoming the New Bedford of Georges alternate path. Is America that New Bedford?

Does this make sense to anyone?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I spent some time just before leaving work talking with one of my friends about politics. I made the statement that Bush had broken the law when he authorized the wiretapping of American citizens private communications. His reply was that he thought that it was a good thing that Bush had done this. It made him feel safer. I restated that Bush had broken US law and had hidden the fact by lies. He had no problem with the lying part either.

"All politicians lie."

That was his defense. The fact that he expects his leader(s) to lie to him. The fact that it is a short step from lying to breaking the law did not seem to bother him. He actually liked the idea that the president broke the law. Thinking, I am sure that it was an extraordinary move made to save the Union instead of an elected official overstepping his legal bounds.

Have we as a nation become so cynical as to expect our elected officials to lie to us? By expecting to be lied to are we not enabling them to lie? Why are we allowing this to happen? Is it that we want to be lied to?

We knew that Clinton was lying when he denied having sex with that woman. We wanted the lie. With a wink wink we went about our lives. The republican party was apoplectic that a husband would lie on national TV about getting a non-marital blowjob in the White House. The same republican party that now rationalizes Bushes lie with saving us. The people.

My question is who will save us from Bush?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It could be just a coincidence that the most depressing day of the year (Monday, January 23, 2006 which is in competition with today also as far as I am concerned) was the same day that Ford announced its plans for closing up to 14 plants in North America. Some of what I have heard has made it hard for me to cry too much. UAW contract includes a clause that makes Ford pay up to 90% of wages to employees for any plant idled, until the next round round of contract talks. They are scheduled for 2007 sometime. A semi soft landing for many. Retirement for some. Hardship and stress for 30000 or more employees no matter how you slice it.

Ford is doing what it needs to do to survive. You don't have to like it. But questions need to be asked. How did Ford, not just Ford but the whole of the US auto industry get to this point. It can't just be the Unions fault. They are by their very nature going to fight for the best contract for their members. Nor can it just be the Auto makers. Do we give them equal shares in this?

Saturday, January 21, 2006

January 16, 2006 Al Gore delivered a speech on constitutional issues facing this country. These few words spoken by Gore are arguably one of the most important speeches (so far) of the 21st Century. We are at a critical time in our history.
It is time that the people of this country demand that this administration stop ignoring the Constitution. It is time that the people of this country demand that this administration stop all illegal activities.
It is time that Congress stands up once again to become the deliberative Legislative body that once was a check on the Executive branch. We do not need a rubber stamp Congress. We need a Congress that will exercise its right and obligation to be the branch that makes the Laws. Laws that the Executive branch is legally bound to follow.
Part of the problem is right here in our own 4th congressional district. We have sent ‘Doc’ Hastings to Congress only to have him slavishly regurgitate the administration party line. He is titular head of the disfunctional House Ethics Committee that is strangely silent on the corruption within the Republican Party. His silence speaks volumes about where his allegiances lay. Not with the people that elected him. His silence on the constitutional issues of the wiretapping shows that he does not care about the rights of the people. His silence puts him on the side of breaking the laws that protect us from government. His silence is frightening.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Some things never change...me drunk on a Saturday night is not change...it is just a form of inertia.
Went to McG's tonight...to watch the New England vs the easy to beat team (shit I am too drunk to remember, maybe later...) 28 to 3. Chris is out of town...she went to Seattle to go to a bridal show thingy with our daughter, Megan and friends. She (Chris) called home around 6 ish to tell me about the day and it sounded exciting. She was back at the hotel room having a drink to take the edge off of the day. The talking was mostly one sided, she needed to recap her day. I needed to let her know that I was listening.

Jacksonville...that is the name of the easy to beat team...damn I am good.

Caffeine and alcohol...those are my addictions. Both sooth me...it does not make sense, but I am not a sensible person. Both have a warmth that attracts me. I am a cold person...this I do know. Caffeine, besides the quickening of thought, is taken by me hot, as in coffee, and it is this warmth that caresses my soul...the warmth of alcohol is a caustic warmth...not good for me but...soothing in a chemical way.

Chemicals are what Americans look for to change their world. I am no different. I am a full blown chemically dependant American. A construct of the ideal American. Coffee to get me going every morning and alcohol every evening to mellow out the caffeine jag.

This is not a real journal... I do not feel like I can tell all that I think...my coldness works against this option...