...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Some things never change...me drunk on a Saturday night is not change...it is just a form of inertia.
Went to McG's tonight...to watch the New England vs the easy to beat team (shit I am too drunk to remember, maybe later...) 28 to 3. Chris is out of town...she went to Seattle to go to a bridal show thingy with our daughter, Megan and friends. She (Chris) called home around 6 ish to tell me about the day and it sounded exciting. She was back at the hotel room having a drink to take the edge off of the day. The talking was mostly one sided, she needed to recap her day. I needed to let her know that I was listening.

Jacksonville...that is the name of the easy to beat team...damn I am good.

Caffeine and alcohol...those are my addictions. Both sooth me...it does not make sense, but I am not a sensible person. Both have a warmth that attracts me. I am a cold person...this I do know. Caffeine, besides the quickening of thought, is taken by me hot, as in coffee, and it is this warmth that caresses my soul...the warmth of alcohol is a caustic warmth...not good for me but...soothing in a chemical way.

Chemicals are what Americans look for to change their world. I am no different. I am a full blown chemically dependant American. A construct of the ideal American. Coffee to get me going every morning and alcohol every evening to mellow out the caffeine jag.

This is not a real journal... I do not feel like I can tell all that I think...my coldness works against this option...

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