...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Monday, April 03, 2006

On my list of things to do....

Actually there is much on my mind. I am just not able to collate it all into a reasonable order to discuss. The following are what I find interesting and topical, just feel too uninformed to comment too deeply on any.
  1. Immigration: the issue is not the black and white the the party's have staked out. I do not think we can fix the problem on this side of the border without major changes being made at the political and cultural level to the south of us. If we put in walls or make new laws it will be akin to pissing in the wind because the root causes of the emigration/immigration will not have been solved. Poverty south of the border is what drives the flow of people that cross the border. Corruption at all levels of government on both sides of the border. Implied blindness to illegal border crossings that feed an appetite for cheap or cheaper labor.
  2. The ethical lapses of the Congress: though this is not party specific, it does at this time seem that the Republican party is lost when ethics are mentioned. We have Tom DeLay, Jack Abramhof, Duke Cunningham, and all the people that have been touched by their tentacles. Each of the above could legitimately fill several posts chronicling their exploits.
  3. Doc Hastings: Head of the House Ethics Committee. Has done a wonderful job of doing nothing. I am not sure that Doc has any idea what ethics are?
  4. Iraq: Lately two retired Generals have spoken out on the war. Both seem to have come to the same conclusion, fire Rummy. I salute them. We are in this untenable situation in Iraq mainly because of Rumsfeld tinkering with our military. We need someone who will listen to the military and then let it do its job.
  5. Torture: This is a top down issue. The soldiers being courtmartialed for misconduct would not have been even close to breaking torture rules, if it had not been lawyered so much by this administration to rationalize the breaking of the Geneva Conventions. Bush, Gonzales, Rumsfeld are who should be on the spot here. They put the guards in untenable positions of gathering intel with dubious and incomplete instructions.

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