...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Found: Thoughts from Sept 11, 2001

Found this in some notes that I had taken during the 9/11 time frame:

bombing 9/11/01
thought: no one will come forward and take credit for this atrocity. The
US will not be able to focus on who. Its assets will be divided
therefore diluted. Purposely done for that reason.
thought: not a conventinal war. could be upwards of 100,000 (actual est
number around 5000) people killed.
thought: not a tragedy - is an atrocity.
am tired of all the flag waving & self pity/ congratulatory bullshit.
Does not accomplish anything. The talking heads don't add any
information. Don't help with the understanding of this situation.
Thought: Bush - unilateral initiatives- Star Wars and such are now under
suspect. We can't exist in this world without our policies effecting
others. The coalition that he needs now to act in this international
environment will or should be an excellent template for future actions
taken by this admin and future admins. We do not live in a vacuum. Our
actions are not without impact. I did not think this way before the
Bombing. Changing.
Thought: Is retaliation what was wanted by the bombers? Are we now
dancing to their tune? I think Yes. We are reacting not acting. What
could we do that would be better for us and the World than a war of
revenge? Don't have an answer. But what is the zig that would nullify
their zag?
The paper today had a list of songs that a radio owner (1000 stations)
thought should not be played. At first I was mad as hell. Then it became
humorous. The Political Correctness that pervades this Society is not
dead. That anyone should be expected to go through life and not offend
another is an absurity. Life is a string of offences, given and taken,
that shape us.
Right now I hate...terrorist...more specifically suicidal fanatics. This
begs other questions. Are dead war heros suicidal fanatics. Depends I
guess on point of view. All things are relative? iiiick, not liking
that. Want only my POV to be correct.
Thought: not original, just something that came to mind. Seems like
Bertran Russell said that there can only be one truth. What came to mind
was that there can be an infinite number of POV's, but only one truth.
Not an astounding revelation I know, but for me, eh.
12/8/01 2:12 pm
todays news is that Taliban has surrendered after 62 days of fighting.
Now seems to be a dangerous time. Are the bad guys going to get away?
Non of the leaders have been captured.

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