...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I spent some time just before leaving work talking with one of my friends about politics. I made the statement that Bush had broken the law when he authorized the wiretapping of American citizens private communications. His reply was that he thought that it was a good thing that Bush had done this. It made him feel safer. I restated that Bush had broken US law and had hidden the fact by lies. He had no problem with the lying part either.

"All politicians lie."

That was his defense. The fact that he expects his leader(s) to lie to him. The fact that it is a short step from lying to breaking the law did not seem to bother him. He actually liked the idea that the president broke the law. Thinking, I am sure that it was an extraordinary move made to save the Union instead of an elected official overstepping his legal bounds.

Have we as a nation become so cynical as to expect our elected officials to lie to us? By expecting to be lied to are we not enabling them to lie? Why are we allowing this to happen? Is it that we want to be lied to?

We knew that Clinton was lying when he denied having sex with that woman. We wanted the lie. With a wink wink we went about our lives. The republican party was apoplectic that a husband would lie on national TV about getting a non-marital blowjob in the White House. The same republican party that now rationalizes Bushes lie with saving us. The people.

My question is who will save us from Bush?

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