...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/6...End Timer President or Satan in disguise?

Today is 6/6/6 a number that has much significance to a majority of radical right religious extremists. The base of the Republican majority in Congress. This extreme religious base is focused on the end of times as is revealed in the book of Revelations. End Timers are setting our political goals. End Timers do not care if 'W' is spending the nation into bankruptcy. End Timers do not care if our rights are being trampled. End Timers do not feel that education is necessary for our children. End Timers are focused on events in the Middle East and feel that a prophecy is coming true.
The scary thing is that our President is acting like an End Timer too. Much of what he has done in the past 5 + years begins to make sense when viewed through the End Times lens. Spending too much? No worries...we will never have to pay it back because of the apocalypse. Trampling rights? Hey...he is moving us towards a thousand year peace. Educating our children in real science? Jesus shall provide. War and rumors of wars? He has these down pat.
But perhaps Bush is not really an End Timer at all.
Perhaps George W. Bush is really Satan in disguise, twisting the good book to bring about the fall of man?
Well you can decide. I am just a deist who believes in a God of benign neglect.
FYI: The number 666 references Nero of fiddling fame. So the beast has already come and gone.
The only thing that can really hurt mankind is to have a deranged religious extremist in a position of power that heeds the voices, in answer to his prayers, to fulfill the prophecy.

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