...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Terminal Suspect

Nothing except work going on here...the Pacific Institute classes were interesting...a goal setting...visualizing...affirmation kind of toolset was presented to us...did not realize how much I used the visualize part (darts)...have not been good at goal setting or affirmation parts...can see the pluses...can see it making a difference in how I approach the world...most changes are meant to be internal on the self improvement scope...I am responsible for my own happiness...improve myself and improve the world around me...making this an 'all about me' concept...my shallowness embraces it...after all it is all about me...right...at least the right to pursue happiness...I am being flippant...which is a defense mechanism...but I can see a path...and do want to be happy and this does meld well with my own Zen...Buddhist...deistic...agnostic...atheistic...mélange of conflicting beliefs...which I don't think is all that different really than most other people...if they were to actually examine their witches brew of beliefs with an open mind...they too would see the conflicts and inconsistencies in their own internal dialogue...anyway...after that rambling and confusing walk through my psyche...which is neither here nor there...just a way to get to my original goal...I come to the important question...do you think these pants make my bum look too big?

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