...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Read today that the court battle over Evolution and Intelligent Design (ID) has started in Dover, Pa.

Why this battle is going on at this time is beyond me. I will not ever understand the mind of the religious fanatic. But I am moved by it. Scared really, because it is so important that this lie of the creationist be put to rest.

I wrote a letter to the editor (Yakima Herald Republic) stating my misgivings about the inclusion of religion into science. See below:

There is a battle waging between the Enlightenment and the return of the Dark Ages. In the Dover School District of Pennsylvania the Dark Forces have gathered to force a religious precept upon all children. They call it Intelligent Design, which is Creationism under an alias.The people that are pushing this ignorance have no idea of what science is and do not care. They only care about making the United States a theocracy, with them in charge of the Word From GOD. From the Christian Imams lips will come edicts for you to follow. From those closest to GOD will come demands that you submit to them. Somehow or other the ones closest to GOD in a theocracy are also closest to power.
The best way to control a population is through religion, and government plus religion is what is the goal of this Dark Alliance.
Please America wake up and see the future. To live in a theocracy will be Hell.

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