...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Monday, September 26, 2005

I doubt very much whether the paper will publish my editorial. It is a bit dramatic...and over the top. But I feel that what is happening to our educational system is over the top. Fantasy as Science. The creationist are playing the fairness card, "Well, we should let the students decide whether Evolution or the Bible are the Truth."

As if science is voted on...science is not a democracy...it is based on assembled facts that are held to be true until disproven. No votes...just facts...and that is what is so maddening about the ploy that the Intelligent Design cabal are using. Nothing that the IDeist have put forth can be supported by science. None of their research has revealed new facts about ID. The IDers have not contributed one fact to the science of Evolution or even ID.

If Intelligent Design is science, where is the Science? That is the question that must be asked over and over until it is fully and truthfully answered.

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