...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Angst...

Election angst is not to be mistaken or conflated with all my other angst. The everyday angst of just getting out of bed. The angst of getting old and all the other domesticated angst that populate my life. The angst, that my life is what Socrates was referring to when he said, "an unexamined life is not worth living."
Election angst is the fear that what will happen will be exactly the opposite of what I hope and voted for on the national level. The Gore factor once again. The stealing of another election. That knot in my stomach that will not go away until the results tomorrow verify what course we as a country have set for ourselves. 
I personally do not think our nation will be able to heal itself if McCain wins. His campaign has shown us that he is not a positive force. He works from fear. His lies are as facile as Bush lies. He divides. He will not make the kind of choices that are needed to bring us back to our pre Bush world leadership role. His anger will put all of us in harms way. His choice of VP is a sample of his decision making ability.
Actually I am not looking for an ideologue. I don't want the dogma of party politics to shape our future. I want someone who can lead. Inspire. Has a vision that we all can buy into. To make us better as a nation, as a people, as individuals. Obama seems to have that ability. And more than anything that is the reason I have voted for for him.
Having voted for Obama. I now carry the election angst that my vote mean something. That we can rise again after the damage wrought by the neocons and Bush.

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