...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why Ask Why?

I have on my wall here at work a sign with Why repeated 5 times. This is like a Quality Mantra. By asking why 5 times you can, more times than not, get to the root of a problem. I have had this conversation with Dick when we go to lunch...this root of the problem or problem solving world I have inherited makes perfect sense when dealing with business, but boring conversation. Which probably says a lot for the fact that Dick and I have this conversation at all. Plus the fact that asking why 5 times in a social setting could get you clobbered. Am thinking we all have had that 2 or 3 year old looking at us and asking why for the umpteenth time. Our frustration level rises and we end the conversation with, "Because I said so!"
Actually, am thinking that as adults we are socially engineered to except the "Because I said so!"  as the final say on much of what we do and know. Oh it is not exactly stated as "Because I said so!" but much of instruction seems to be impervious to the why line of questioning. We become so unquestioning in much of what we do that I am thinking we do not want to think. Because to question something is the first sign intelligent thought. And by example it is almost a forgone conclusion that if we get an email rant that even remotely meshes with our concept of the universe we will pass it on without even asking one why. We start to become non questioning from that first dismissive "Because I said so!" retort from our parents or other adults. 
I am asking myself why I am inflicting this upon you. I know it is not interesting by any stretch of the imagination. And I have rambled horribly without much thought.
Again Why.
Who knows...did not have anything of real import to say...just seem to think of weird stuff...but in this time of political hyperbole maybe we could step out of our comfort zone and ask the why of some things...

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