...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Friday is like a gimmee day...full of potential...from Friday springs the weekend...a quest to cram excitement into two days...at times Friday begins the weekend...making a three day weekend...and three days can be magic...sometimes it seems all of our happiness hinges on Fridays...we have sayings with religious overtones...Thank God It's Friday!...well maybe we only have the one saying...maybe you can think of more but right now I can't...but the nubbin of truth that I am trying to get at here is that Fridays hold a special place in all of our hearts...not as a day of work...but as a day that ends the week and begins the weekend...so what I am advocating here is that we officially recognize Friday for what it has become...the semi official beginning of the the weekend and the end of the drinking drought that the work week hobbles us with out of necessity I am sure...for if we drank during the week like we drink on the weekends...well...AA would have new, "Hi, my name is John and I am an alcoholic." every day...not that many of us fully recognize the drinking ban that is in semi force during the week...but the weekend just seems to kick the chocks out from under the wheels of the train of excess that regularly leaves the station sometime on Friday...TGIF...

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