...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another Monday Evening Shot to Hell...

I painted...actually just stained some oak back splash boards for the
bathroom make over...then went to the store...the modern male
equivalent to hunting...the rest of the evening was listening to the iPod
and couch potato napping...I have found a new author to read...Christopher
Hitchens...a very rude British emigre...witty...suffers fools not...I do not
agree with all he says...but love the clarity that he brings to the
discussion...puts me in mind of Thomas Paine (wrote Common Sense and Age of
Reason) of American Revolution fame...both Brits...both wicked smart...both
opinionated...both very protective of the American experiment...Paine died a
pauper and friendless but it was his pamphlet Common Sense that coalesced
public opinion against the crown...and the proceeds from the sale of the
pamphet he donated to the revolutionary cause...Hitchens is not advocating
any revolution but having started out a Marxist and evolved to a
Libertarian... his views...at least to me seem revolutionary...

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