...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I keep getting phone calls from 1st Credit of America LLC of Chicago. They keep asking for a Robert Wilson. This has been going on for months now. They call at all times of the day. If I am at home I tell them that Robert Wilson does not and never has lived here. They hang up and call back later.
Tonight they called and I just went over the edge. I started screaming obsenities at the poor person at the other end. Did I say poor? Actually that is probably correct. I doubt that 1st Credit of America LLC of Chicago pays much above poverty wages for someone to make these calls. And the more that I think about it, these calls are a form of obsenity, the continual repetition of an un-natural act that does not stand up to community standards. This is a company that makes its money doing the unpleasant, filling a need, like a prostitute. It is not nice work, but it beats a real job.
Hey, if you are one of the people that work at 1st Credit of America LLC of Chicago, I am sorry for you. Your job sucks!

1 comment:

D R Wilson said...

They have stopped calling me. I googled the number on my caller ID. That was how I knew who it was when I posted. That very night I called them and left voice mails with whomever the operator would allow. Plus I went online to the Washington State Dept of Financial Oversight or something like that and filed a complaint. In the complaint I asked that if this company needed a license to operate in this state to please not renew it. I made it very clear to the state that I was not Robert Wilson, never had been a Robert Wilson and did not know a Robert Wilson. I have received a letter from the state acknowledging my complaint, with a number of whom to contact if need be.

Like I said...no more calls...none.