...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Night At Belles (Part V)

In the course of conversations with Jerry, Belle had learned much. Jerry was a xhuman Gorilla as a result of the military special forces division. He had served for 6 years as an NCO xhuman. When his enlistment was up he opted not to revert to human. By that time xhumans were becoming common among the populace. He had gotten used to the extended sensory feedback, along with the strength issue, that being a Gorilla had added to his abilities. After leaving the military he became a bounty hunter. It was in the course of this line of work that he had met up with Jim.
Jim was from the Seven Sisters constellation. Among the first aliens to land on Earth. That was 300 years ago. He had been exploring and studying Earth and its inhabitants every since. Jim did not talk. He communicated by images. It was a hit or miss affair as humans generally do not take well to the unique feeling of someone mucking about in their minds. Jerry was special in that the information flow would go both ways. The loneliness that continually followed both of them when apart, was now gone and a sense of whole was now the norm...

Monday, August 06, 2007

A Night At Belles (Part IV)

...that was 3 monsoon seasons ago. Jerry and Jim were perfect as handymen. Well at least Jim was. He always seemed to be able to lend a hand at something. For brute strength they were both equally matched, Jerry's agility and climbing ability were a plus when heights were involved.  
Their work as bouncers evolved over time. Early on, Belle noticed the effect the pair had on rowdy clientele, a shock value effect that seemed to work over and over again. Seldom were they ever challenged and only twice now had the challenges progressed to violence. Both times the provoking parties had easily been removed from the premises.
Belle also noticed that neither Jerry or Jim were interested in the girls for anything more than friendship and conversation. The vocalizing of the conversations were by Jerry, but he would at times preface a question or answer as coming from Jim. It was apparent that Jerry and Jim were connected at a deeper more intimate level than first thought.