...he looked over the edge...into infinity...and there in front of him was what he'd been searching for...a peanut butter sandwich...with jelly...he knew the search would continue until he found...milk.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Chucks last name...?

After work I stopped at McG's for a couple of drinks. One of the women in the bar signaled for me to come over. I did.
She said, "Your beautiful wifes picture is over there and she is talking to Prince Charles. What I would like to know is, what is Prince Charles last name?"

I did not have an answer...I do not know...I will have to google that.

Update: the answer is Windsor

Monday, February 06, 2006

Islam and Violence...Is Now Islam = Violence...But Why?

I have been following the furor over the cartoons published in Europe depicting Allah in various reposes and attire.

Maybe someone of the Islamic faith can clue me in, because this make no sense. This has got to be the worst PR that any religion has gotten since the Inquisition.

Copy of Nigerian Email Scam

I was going through my alternate email account and came across this email from a Mr. Jeffery Ekwome. "Ekwome" is probably Nigerian for "stupid f***ing American".

Here goes:

Next Of Kin To Late Michael Wilson
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 15:22:44 +0000
I am Mr. Jeffrey Ekwome, an Accountant Manager with
the personal Account Manager to Engr. Michael Wilson, a
Citizen of your country and a Contractor with Texaco
Petroleum Company in my country.
On the 19th of April 2002, Engr. Michael Wilson, his
wife and their three children were involved in a car
accident Along Lagos/Ibadan Express Road.
Unfortunately they all lost their lives in the event
of the accident, since then I have made several
enquiries to your Embassy to locate any of His
extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
After these several Unsuccessful attempts, I decided
to trace his relatives over the Internet, to locate
any member of His family but of no avail, hence I
contacted you. I got your contact from a Web directory
I got from your embassy.
I contacted you to assist in repatriating the money in
addition to the property left behind by the late Engr.
Michael before they get confiscated or declared
unserviceable by the bank where these huge deposits
were lodged. Particularly, INTERCONTINENTAL BANK PLC,
where the deceased had an account valued at about
US$11 Million Dollars.
Consequently, the bank issued me a notice to provide
the Next Of Kin or have the account confiscated within
the next twenty official working days. Since I have
been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 3
years now I seek your consent to present you as the
next of kin of the deceased since you are from the
same country and you share the same last name so that
the proceeds of this account valued at US$11 million
dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can
share the money. 50% to me and 40% to you, while 10%
should be for expenses or tax as your government may
An attorney will be contracted to help revalidated and
notarize all the necessary legal documents that can be
used to back up any claim we may make. All I require
is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal
through. I guarantee that this will be executed under
a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from
any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me by
my email to Enable us discuss further and also send
your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication.
Send your reply to my private email address:
Best regards,
Mr. Jeffrey Ekwome.
annunci sono online su Kataweb all'indirizzo http://www.offroecerco.it

I had heard of the scam, but never seen one. This blog is for you Jeffery. May all your childern be born to suffer hell on earth...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Side Lights

I do not know who won or will win the Super Bowl at this time. When I left McGuires, the Hawks were behind 10 to 21. The 4th quarter had just started when I decided to leave. The leaving was/is predicated on the personal idea that I hold, which is that I am bad karma for the team that I want to win. If I am watching a game it seems that 9 out of 10 times the team that I am for, looses. It is only a personal thing...my little quirk when it comes to sports.

Do not want something too bad or just the opposite will happen. I guess is how you would state it.

I am not sure that I have fooled any of the Gods that may be involved in the outcome of the Super Bowl, but I do know that my best path is a feigned neglect.

McGuires had about 25 to 30 people there for the Super Bowl...Jeanne said that if you wanted you could bring something to eat...potluck type thing. It was fun and cozy...as McG's is not big...the size of 3 holes in the wall strung together...with dark wood paneling, stained by time and smoke...I brought pico de gallo...there was chili...navy beans...meatballs...desserts...chips...enough food to make this a Supper Bowl...I am full...it was snack snack snack.

The first half portended much...the breaks were not going Seattles way...touchdowns and passes called back...a different game if those calls had not been made. So much in sports is how the breaks...break...at the level of the Super Bowl you have to consider the teams equal...the fact that they made that far is a testament to what they have accomplished.

Actually the first half was interesting because one of the women, I shall call her, Dammit Janet!...was into the cheerleader mode. Now, she nominated and voted herself to this part, and it was a part that she played very well.

Dammit Janet! was intent on increasing the energy level of the room. I think the breaks that Seattle did not get were some what of a weight on the rooms rah rah-ness and Dammit Janet! was not going to let the Seahawks know that we were down. Even though we are in a small bar in Yakima Washington, she has it in her mind that somehow the energy needed for the Hawks to win was right there in that room. She conjoled, shamed and strongarmed many of the males...they started to actually make some noise...not a lot...but some.

Half time and the Stones...the strangest thought came to me while watching them...Frank Sinatra...yup...Frank...I just remember seeing him in something that was a final tour...voice not what it one time was...grayer...more lines on the face...the Stones have become the Frank Sinatra of this Boomer generation...New York New York is now Satisfaction...

Anyway as I was saying...I left early in hopes of confusing the Gods...and maybe to atone for my lack of energy during the first half...I have just checked ESPN and found that my ploy failed...Steelers won...I guess that's the breaks.